TOPI 2013: 3rd Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins

             ICSE 2013 Workshop, San Francisco, May 21st, 2013

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Our knowledge as to how to solve software engineering problems is increasingly being encapsulated in tools. These tools are at their strongest when they operate in a pre-existing development environment that can provide integration with existing elements such as compilers, debuggers, profilers and visualizers. Some also exist beyond development time and work with the runtime. A further challenge is to develop tools that can span different – and future - development environments and runtimes. This workshop should of interest to all those interested in developing tools as plug-ins for IDEs, runtimes and browsers. We will examine the categories of problems that are best solved in this way, and look at the future challenges.


The workshop wants to address the following themes:

  1. identify recent successful tools as plug-ins

  2. categorize the characteristics of good plug-ins

  3. understand interoperability requirements to making tools available across platforms

  4. list which tools lend themselves best to the plug- in approach

  5. specify the medium and long term challenges of tools as plug-ins

Thus, we are more concerned in this workshop with understanding the characteristics and creation of tools as plug-ins, than of the tools themselves.


  1. Computer supported cooperative work

  2. Empirical software engineering

  3. Engineering secure software

  4. Mining software repositories

  5. Programming languages and design

  6. Software dependability, safety, and reliability

  7. Software engineering education

  8. Software processes

  9. Software requirements engineering

  10. Software testing and analysis

  11. Software verification

  12. Static analysis and bug-finding



    February 14, 2013 (extended)

                23:59:59 UTC-11

Author notification:

    February 28, 2013

Camera-ready copy:

    March 7, 2013

Workshop date:

    May 21st, 2013

  1. Michael Barnett  (Microsoft Research)

  2. Martin Nordio  (ETH, Zurich)

PC Chairs

  1. Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology

  2. David Cok, Grammartech

  3. Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires

  4. Emerson Murphy-Hill, NCSU

  5. Joseph Kiniry, Technical University Denmark

  6. Marija Mikic-Rakic, Google

  7. Robert J. Walker, University of Calgary, Canada

  8. Suresh Thummalapenta, IBM India

  9. Sunghun Kim, Hong Kong Univ of Science and Tech.

  10. Thomas Latoza, University of California

  11. Werner Michael Dietl, University of Washington

Program Committee

  1. Judith Bishop (Microsoft Research)

  2. Karin Breitman (PUC-Rio)

  3. David Notkin (University of Washington)

  4. Diego Garbervetsky (University of Buenos Aires)

  5. Sunghun Kim (Hong Kong Univ of Science and Tech.)

Steering Committee

Important Dates

  1. TOPI2011: ICSE 2011 workshop

  2. TOPI2012: ICSE 2012 workshop

Previous editions of this workshop

Special issue: Developing Tools as Plug-ins: TOPI 2011

An special issue of TOPI 2011 has been published by Software: Practice and Experience. The volume will be available at the workshop:

April 2013

Volume 43

Issue 4

Issue edited by:

Judith Bishop

David Notkin

Available here

The online version of the special issue will be free to access between 18 and 26 May.