Translating speyes to Eiffel
Installing CIL (if not yet done):git clone git://; cd cil
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/bin
1. CIL preprocessing
Downloading it:
wget -
Extracting it:
tar xfz speyes-1.2.0.tar.gz; cd speyes-1.2.0 -
Creating the Makefile:
xmkmf -
Removing gcc optimization flags (results in more readable code):
sed -i "s/ -O2 / /" Makefile -
[speyes specific] Removing unnecessary files:
rm getopt*; sed -i "s/ getopt.o getopt1.o//" Makefile -
[speyes specific] Add missing include:
sed -i "s/#include <sys\/time.h>/#include <sys\/time.h>\n#include <time.h>/" speyes.c -
Building it:
make CC="cilly --merge --save-temps"