Software Engineering Laboratory
Version Control in Eve
Software Engineering Laboratory, March 2011 — August 2011
Author: Emanuele Rudel
Supervisor: Nadia Polikarpova
Project report
User Manual
The goal of this project is to provide an effective interface to a version control system from within EiffelStudio IDE. Similar tools already exist and are quite popular in other development environments: Subcliplse, VisualSVN. This project will allow Eiffel programmers to benefit from seamless and more efficient version control throughout the development process.
Bachelor Thesis
A Mac OS X EiffelVision port based on a generated Cocoa wrapper
Bachelor Thesis, October 2011 — February 2012
Author: Emanuele Rudel
Supervisor: Benjamin Morandi
Project plan
Project report
EiffelVision is an object-oriented framework for developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). It currently runs natively under Windows and all major versions of Unix, while a native version for Mac OS X has not been implemented yet. The goal of this project is to implement the EiffelVision framework for Mac OS X in order to provide a native version – i.e., without using the Unix window system X11 – of EiffelStudio for the Macintosh. The implementation will use a wrapper that makes the Objective-C Cocoa framework available for Eiffel.