Bachelor Thesis


Eiffel HTTP Server
Bachelor Thesis, February 2011 — May 2011
Author:Florian Besser
Supervisor:Scott West
Project report
Project plan


The HTTP specification is one which is utilized by all web-browsers and servers alike. More than this, it is a well-known and reviewed specification. This makes it a fantastic entry-point for the construction of a real-world application (web-server). The proposed server would be implemented in Eiffel, conform to an agreed upon portion of the HTTP specification (RFC 2616), and use concurrency to handle multiple connections and facilitate increased throughput.

Master Thesis


Implementing and evaluating an exception mechanism for SCOOP
Master Thesis, March 2013 — September 2013
Author:Florian Besser
Supervisor:Benjamin Morandi
Project report
Project plan


The goal of the project is to implement and evaluate a novel exception mechanism for SCOOP. The first step involves modifying the SCOOP runtime to support the proposed mechanism. The second step involves creating a number of SCOOP examples to evaluate the mechanism.