Karine Arnout

Mailing address
Karine Arnout
Software Engineering, Meyer
ETH Zentrum, RZ J4
8092 Zurich
Physical address
Karine Arnout
Department of Computer Science
RZ Building, RZ J4
Clausiusstrasse 59
8092 Zurich
Karine Arnout
Phone: +41 1 632 47 23
Fax: +41 1 632 14 35
E-mail: Karine.Arnout@inf.ethz.ch
This page: http://se.inf.ethz.ch/people/arnout

 Français  Deutsch


I am a post-doctoral research assistant in the Chair of Software Engineering held by Prof. Dr. Bertrand Meyer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH Zurich). I defended my Ph.D. thesis From Patterns to Components on March 31, 2004, at ETH Zurich. It was accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Bertrand Meyer (examiner), Prof. Dr. Peter Müller (co-examiner), and Prof. Dr. Emil Sekerinski (co-examiner).
My main areas of research are design patterns and their transformation into reusable components (which I call "componentization"), automatic contract-based testing, and contract elicitation for .NET components.

Areas of research

My research deals with object technology and component-based development. In particular, I am interested in the ideas of design patterns, Design by Contract, software testing, and Trusted Components. My projects include:

  • "Pattern componentization" (turning design patterns into reusable components). This was the topic of my Ph.D. thesis.
  • Automatic contract-based testing
  • Design by Contract support for languages other than Eiffel

The technologies I am interested in include:

  • Eiffel: I worked at Eiffel Software (ISE) from July 2000 to September 2001 where I got into contact with the Eiffel object-oriented method, language and ISE Eiffel software development environment (EiffelStudio). I am now an active member of the ECMA Technical Group for Eiffel standardization.
  • .NET: I took part in porting ISE Eiffel on the .NET Framework when I was at ISE. In particular, I implemented the first version of the Assembly Manager - part of ISE Eiffel 5 delivery - which enables software developers to reuse .NET assemblies in their Eiffel for .NET projects in a very easy way. I also worked on the Contract Wizard, which allows adding contracts - as defined in Eiffel - to every .NET assembly whatever .NET language it was originally written in.



Student projects


Ph.D. Thesis






Work in progress


Ph.D. defense

Technical paper presentations



Other activities

  • I am an active member and the secretary of the ECMA Technical Group (TC39-TG4) for Eiffel standardization.
  • I am a co-organizer of the GPCE Young Researchers Workshop.
  • I help organizing the mountain bike tour ("Randonnée des Mimosas") that takes place the first Sunday of February on the Oléron Island (Ile d'Oléron) in France.
  • I like swimming, drawing, and painting in oil.



Work experience

  • Trainee in the call center of Deutsche Telekom in Constance (Germany) from July to August 1999.
  • "Jeune Ingénieur" at Eiffel Software (ISE) in Santa Barbara, CA, USA, from July 2000 to September 2001.
  • Research and teaching assistant at ETH Zurich from April 2002 until now.