Exploiting alias information.
ETH Zürich, Chair of Software Engineering (November 2014).
On the design and analysis of a concurrency model.
Reykjavik University; invited talk (November 2014).
Expression-based aliasing for OO-languages.
FTSCS 2014.
Coffman deadlocks in SCOOP.
NWPT 2014.
An Executable Semantic Framework for the Design and Analysis of SCOOP.
ETH Zürich, Chair of Software Engineering (May 2014).
Coalgebraic Tools for Bisimilarity and Decorated Trace Semantics.
PhD defense - Radboud University, the Netherlands (December 2013).
Alias analysis - a possible approach?-.
ETH Zürich, Chair of Software Engineering (November 2013).
(Co)algebra & SOS for Concurrency - from theory to practice.
ETH Zürich, Chair of Software Engineering (May 2013).
Checking the must-testing preorder with bisimulations up-to.
ICE-TCS seminars, Reykjavik University (February 2013).
Final Semantics for Decorated Traces.
COIN: Coalgebra in the Netherlands, CWI
Amsterdam (March 2012) and MFPS 2012.
Formal methods for concurrency: (Co)algebra and SOS.
ICE-TCS seminars, Reykjavik University (January 2012).
Axiomatizing GSOS with Predicates.
ICE-TCS Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics and the Equational Logic of Processes, Reykjavik University (April 2011).
Algebra meets Coalgebra - A Decision Procedure for Bisimilarity of Generalized Regular Expressions.
ICE-TCS seminars, Reykjavik University (August 2010).
Behavioural Specfication of Polynomial Functors.
Scientific Day of the University, Iași (October 2009).
ARCO meeting, Eindhoven (November 2009).
Simplfication and Generalization in CIRC.
SYNASC 2009.
Automata-based Behavioural Specification of Regular Expressions.
ARCO meeting, Iași (May 2009).
A Rewrite Stack Machine for ROC!.
SYNASC 2008.
Patterns for Maude Metalanguage Applications.
WRLA 2008.
K: a Rewrite-based Framework for Modular Language Design, Semantics, Analysis and Implementation.
Formal Methods group sessions at Al. I. Cuza University, Iași.