Eiffel language constructs


In order to achieve Eiffel compiler interoperability, it is not necessarily required to strictly follow the Eiffel standard. Some compilers indeed have bugs, do not interpret the standard in the same way as others (be it because of ambiguities in the standard itself or not), or have implementation limitations. Therefore the Eiffel dialect used in Gobo Eiffel is likely to be a subset of the official Eiffel standard.

On the contrary, constructs which have not yet been officially adopted by NICE, but which are already supported by all Eiffel compilers, can be used in Gobo Eiffel. For example the Precursor construct was used by Gobo before it was formally adopted. However it is clear that an Eiffel extension can be used in Gobo Eiffel only if it is supported by all Eiffel compilers. Therefore the agent construct introduced in ISE Eiffel should not be used at the moment.

Differences between the various Eiffel compilers which have been already noticed, along with workarounds when available, will be listed on-line in order to help others to avoid making the same mistakes by using these non-portable Eiffel constructs.