Supported Eiffel compilers


The classes provided in the Gobo Eiffel package should compile and work without any change on the three currently maintained Eiffel compilers: Eiffel Studio, SmartEiffel and Visual Eiffel. Those compilers are supported on all platforms supported by those compilers. Gobo Developers are not expected to test on all platforms and compilers. Because of the collaboration of many different Eiffel programmers, developers can and should ask other developers to test on compilers and platforms they don't have access to. Note that all three Eiffel compilers offer a free version on Windows and Linux.

In order to make things easier, only the latest stable release of each compiler will be supported. This stable release is usually the latest public release. The currently supported compilers are:

  1. Eiffel Studio 5.4.

  2. Eiffel ENViSioN 2.0.

  3. SmartEiffel 1.0.

  4. VisualEiffel 4.1.

Developers should use these compilers when testing their libraries.