+Raphael Simon, +Emmanuel Stapf, +*Bertrand
Software Engineering,
*ETH (Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology), Zürich,
http://www.eiffel.com, http:se.inf.ethz.ch, info@eiffel.com
This article is also available in PDF format. |
The full power of the Eiffel
language and method, including Design by Contract™, multiple inheritance, genericity
and many other advanced facilities, is now available on the Microsoft .NET
Eiffel for .NET establishes a
powerful basis for the construction of extendible, high-reliability
applications, providing a unique platform for integrating components produced
with many different languages and approaches, and bringing the benefits of
Design by Contract to the .NET world.
We describe the work done to
integrate the two technologies, and the resulting tools for constructing
ambitious enterprise and Web systems.
†An earlier version of this article appeared in
July, 2000 under the title Eiffel on the
Web: Integrating Eiffel systems into .NET (by the present authors and
Christine Mingins). The present version describes the current state of the
implementation, supporting the full Eiffel language.
One of the most interesting aspects of the
Microsoft .NET framework is the common basis it provides for implementing many
different programming languages. One of the first language technologies to
benefit from this openness was Eiffel, whose implementation by Interactive
Software Engineering (ISE) was, in an early version, showcased at the very
first public introduction of .NET in Orlando (see figure). That initial release
featured a partial version of the Eiffel language, Eiffel#, described in the
original version of this article and now obsolete. ISE has now completed the
implementation of full Eiffel on .NET and a first integration into Visual
Studio .NET.
for .NET is a released product, available as part of the ISE Eiffel delivery
starting with version 5.0 (the current release at the time of writing is 5.1).
Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Bertrand
Meyer (ISE) at introduction of .NET technology, July 2000. |
Eiffel for .NET is a full implementation of the
Eiffel method and language running on the Microsoft .NET platform.
Eiffel is a
comprehensive software development environment (ISE Eiffel) based on a method
that covers the entire software lifecycle — not just implementation but also
analysis, design and maintenance. The environment is based on the Eiffel
language, thoroughly applying the principles of object technology and
implementing the concepts of Design by Contract™ to produce
highly reliable, extendible and reusable applications.
ISE Eiffel is particularly geared towards large and
complex systems and is used by major organizations in the financial industry,
defense, real-time and other industries for mission-critical developments.
Universities worldwide also use Eiffel to teach programming and software
engineering at all levels.
is the next generation web technology developed at Microsoft, combining many
technologies for building Internet applications. The specification of .NET is
now an international standard, thanks to Microsoft’s successful submission of
the “Common Language Interface” to
the ECMA standards organization, which adopted it in December of 2001. (One of
the authors, Emmanuel Stapf from ISE, is a member of the corresponding ECMA
Technical Committee.) Although a detailed presentation of .NET is beyond the
scope of this article, we may note the following highlights, of special
interest to application developers:
.NET is attractive to Eiffel users since it
follows many of the same ideas that they have accepted as essential to quality
software development ─ use of an object model,
automatic garbage collection, exception handling ─ and offers an integrated
platform with direct access to thousands of reusable components, the prospect
of full interoperability with software elements written in both Eiffel and
other languages, and the power of Web services and other Internet applications.
For .NET users, Eiffel provides the added value of an advanced
object-oriented method and language that covers the entire lifecycle ─ not just programming, but
the whole process starting with analysis and design and continuing with
implementation, reuse, extension and maintenance ─, unique reliability
mechanisms such as Design by Contract™, advanced language features such as
genericity and multiple inheritance, and the extensive body of reusable
components developed by ISE and other parties, including the EiffelBase library
of data structures and algorithms and the EiffelVision library for
multi-platform graphics.
Eiffel on .NET provides
an ideal combination for companies wishing to take advantage of best-of-breed
technologies in operating systems, Internet and web infrastructure, software
development methods, and development environments. In particular, the openness
of Eiffel to other languages and environments combined with .NET’s emphasis on
language neutrality makes the resulting product an ideal vehicle for building
applications containing components in many different languages, Eiffel serving
as the “glue” between them. In the rest of this article we describe this
combination and the challenges we faced when integrating ISE Eiffel into .NET.
Since the rest of this document defines Eiffel for
.NET by describing how it is different from Eiffel, we first need to see the main
characteristics of Eiffel. More details may be found in the book Object-Oriented
Software Construction, 2nd edition [Meyer 1997] and Eiffel: The Language [Meyer
1992], as well as on
the Eiffel Web site at http://www.eiffel.com/, from which some of the
material has been extracted.
Eiffel is the
combination of four elements: a method of system development, based on strong
software engineering principles; a language supporting the method; a
development environment, ISE EiffelStudio; and a rich set of reusable
The Eiffel method, language and environment
emphasize seamless development, the
continuous production of a system through the successive phases of the
lifecycle using a common set of notations and tools. The language, in
particular, is as useful for analysis and design as for programming in the
strict sense of the term. The tools provide graphical descriptions of system
structures and enable developers both to produce software text from the
graphics and to reverse-engineer the graphics from the text, switching at their
leisure between the two modes. This means that Eiffel developers typically do
not need a separate “CASE” tool (for example UML-based) for analysis and design
but instead use a consistent framework throughout the process.
This seamless approach
also supports reversibility: if a
modification is made to the program, it will automatically be included in the
analysis and design views. Since these views, like others graphical and textual
views at various levels of detail, are extracted from the software text by
automatic tools, the various documents associated with a project are guaranteed
to be consistent. This follows from the Single
Model principle, one of the principles of the Eiffel approach.
As a language Eiffel is a "pure"
object-oriented language (arguably the most systematic application of
object-oriented principles in existing languages) based on a small number of
powerful concepts:
For a flavor of the ─ clear and simple ─ language syntax, and the typical Eiffel style
(not yet in this first version including contracts), here is the outline of a
simple class COUNTER describing a counter:
that you can increment by one,
decrement, and reset
feature – Access
-- Counter's value.
feature -- Element change
increment is
-- Increase counter by one.
item := item + 1
decrement is
-- Decrease counter by one.
item := item - 1
reset is
-- Reset counter
to zero.
:= 0
end -- class COUNTER
At run time this class will have instances: each
instance is an object that represents a separate counter. To create a counter
you declare the corresponding entity, say
my_counter: COUNTER
create the corresponding object
create my_counter
(where the keyword create
introduces the the object creation operation), and can then apply to it the
operations of the class (its features):
print (my_counter.item)
Such operations will appear in features of other
classes, called the clients of class
COUNTER. A couple more comments about this example: all values are
initialized by default, so every counter object will start its life with its
value, item, initialized to zero (you
don't need to call reset initially).
Also, item is an attribute, which is
exported in read-only mode: clients can say print (my_counter..item)
but not, for example, my_counter..item
:= 657, which would be a violation of the "information hiding"
principle. Of course the class author may decide to provide such a capability
by adding a feature
set (some_value: INTEGER) is
Set value of counter to some_value.
item := some_value
in which case the clients will simply use my_counter.set (657). But that's the decision of the
authors of class COUNTER: how much functionality they provide to their
clients. The indexing clause at the beginning of the class does not affect its
semantics (i.e. the properties of the corresponding run-time objects), but
attaches extra documentation to the class.
Alone in design methodologies and languages,
Eiffel directly enforces Design by ContractÔ through
constructs such as class invariants, preconditions and postconditions. Assume
for example that we want our counters to be always non-negative. The class will
now have an invariant:
indexing ... class
item >= 0
and feature decrement
now needs a precondition, to make sure that clients do not attempt illegal
operations. The keyword require
introduces the precondition:
decrement is
-- Decrease counter by
item > 0
item := item - 1
item = old
item - 1
The keyword ensure
introduces the postcondition.
The precondition tells
the client: "Never even think of calling me unless you are sure the
counter is strictly positive".
The postcondition says "If
you are good (i.e. observe the precondition) here is what I promise to do for
you in return: I will decrease the counter by one."
The invariant adds the
promise that "Also, all my operations will maintain the counter
positive or zero". Preconditions, postconditions and invariants are
called assertions.
Eiffel emphasizes reuse at all steps and is
supported by a rich set of libraries, carefully crafted with strict design and
style guidelines. Two worth noting here are EiffelBase, covering the set of
fundamental structures of computing science, and EiffelVision, an advanced
graphical library providing portable graphic solutions across many platforms,
which offers users the guarantee of both source-level compatibility and
automatic adaptation to the look-and-feel of the target platform.
This brief introduction to Eiffel has enough to
suggest some of the issues that arose in the .NET integration. The .NET object
model provides no native support for multiple inheritance (a class in the .NET
model may inherit from at most one other class), for genericity, for
covariance, for agents.
Several of these mechanisms, in particular
multiple inheritance, proved difficult to implement under .NET. They have all
now been successfully tackled, so that there is no difference in the language
supported under Eiffel for .NET and other implementations.
Targeting .NET for a language compiler really
means being able to produce IL and the associated metadata.
Generating IL would be enough if the aim was just to “compile Eiffel under .NET”, but would fall short of our goal of providing a general-purpose framework for multi-language interoperability, since other languages would not be able to reuse Eiffel types without the metadata that describes them. Multiple inheritance provides a typical example: producing an IL version of a multiple inheritance structure as shown below is, in itself, just a compiling issue, and not necessarily more difficult than implementing multiple inheritance for some other target code. The more ambitious issue is to make sure that code using these classes in another language can see the inheritance hierarchy and benefit from it, for example by declaring a variable of type A and assigning to it a value of type D (as Eiffel code can do through polymorphism).
One of the goals set by ISE regarding the
integration of Eiffel was the ability to reuse existing types written in any
language as well as the generation of types that can be understood by any other
.NET development environment. Eiffel is a .NET extender, meaning that
you can write Eiffel classes that inherit from classes written in other
languages, extend them and then recompile them to IL, giving other environments
the possibility of reusing the new type.
Another fundamental goal, in making Eiffel a full
player in the .NET interoperability games, was to provide ISE Eiffel under Visual
Studio .NET. As a result, Eiffel users have a choice between two modes of
An associated design goal was to avoid forcing
users into a final choice between these two solutions: it must be possible to
compile a given project alternatively in EiffelStudio or Visual Studio .NET.
Finally, it was deemed essential to enable the
writing of ASP.NET applications and Web services in Eiffel, embedding Eiffel
into ASP+ pages through the @language="Eiffel"
Giving Eiffel the status of “full player in the
.NET interoperability games” has meant achieving the following properties of
the implementation of Eiffel for .NET:
Under EiffelStudio, compiling for .NET simply
means checking the appropriate option in the Project Settings. As a result, a
few supplementary buttons will appear in the interface, including the button
for the “assembly manager”, discussed in the next section.
The result of this setup is that existing Eiffel
programmers will be able to work the exact same way they did before the
integration, while having access to all the mechanisms of .NET.
Under Visual Studio .NET, you may include an
Eiffel solution as part of any project. The project may include elements in
Eiffel and elements in other languages, as in this Microsoft demo involving C#
and Visual Basic as well as Eiffel:
Eiffel and other languages under Visual Studio
Here now is Visual Studio .NET opened on an Eiffel
Eiffel project under Visual Studio .NET
The left pane shows a class text (CALCULATOR). The
top-right pane shows the hierarchy of the project clusters; note that it uses
the same graphical conventions for classes and clusters, standard for Eiffel,
as in EiffelStudio. The bottom-right pane shows contextual help; it indexes the
standard Eiffel documentation.
now is an example of using the Visual Studio .NET “object browser” (in fact a
class browser) to display the inheritance structure and other inter-class
relations of a project:
Object (class) browser under Visual Studio .NET
Next here is a Visual Studio .NET “property sheet”
for displaying and editing the project properties, which in EiffelStudio would
appear as “Project Settings” reflecting the contents of the system’s “Ace
Property sheet under Visual Studio .NET
Our final example shows a debugging session under Visual
Studio .NET for Eiffel:
Debugging an Eiffel system with the Visual Studio
.NET debugger
The top-left pane shows the place in a routine
text where the execution is currently stopped, and the enclosing class text,
with the browsing mechanism in the top-right pane. At the bottom right is the
execution’s output. The bottom-left pane shows local variables, at different
levels, their declared types (second column) and their values. You can use that
bottom-left pane, using the Visual Studio .NET mechanisms, to define “watch
lists” and to evaluate expressions on the fly.
These examples show
that Visual Studio .NET users will be able to take full advantage of the Eiffel
mechanisms, and that Eiffel users will for their part fully benefit from Visual
Studio .NET.
We have seen how you can use Eiffel to build .NET
components. Since the compiler generates all the necessary metadata, other
languages can reuse the Eiffel components in any way they like
(heritance or client relationship). The next question is “how do I reuse
existing .NET components in Eiffel?”. Providing a complete and easy-to-use
mechanism for this purpose is a key part of the Eiffel offering on .NET,
delivering on the promise of multi-language interoperability. The “existing
components” may be parts of a system written in another language; or, most
importantly, they may be library components, such as the Microsoft-supplied
fundamental .NET libraries that are one of the framework’s principal
For reusable components, the goal is clear: to
enable Eiffel developers to combine the power of Eiffel libraries and
non-Eiffel .NET libraries. The result is an unprecedented collection of reuse
On the Eiffel side,
libraries such as EiffelBase (for fundamental data structures and algorithms)
and EiffelVision 2 (for portable graphics) are the result of a decade and a
half of continuous work and have reached a high level of quality and
On the .NET side, a
rich set of advanced mechanisms is provided in particular by:
The Base Class Library, providing basic types,
collections, remoting services,
threading services, security, IO access, and many other facilities.
Windows Forms for Windows-oriented GUI building.
Web Forms for Web User Interfaces, with types such
as DataGrid and HTMLImage.
for object-relational database programming.
Eiffel for .NET provides access to both sides.
Thanks for the availability of full Eiffel and to
the reuse of .NET mechanisms, the basic Eiffel libraries are available to .NET
developers, providing a considerable practical advantage. One of the most
interesting parts of the offering is EiffelVision 2, an advanced graphical
library providing an elegant GUI programming model and the ability to port an
application, graphics included, to many other platforms without any change to
the source code, and automatic adaptation to the native look-and-feel of the
target platform.
Particularly interesting is the ability to combine
Eiffel mechanisms such as EiffelVision to .NET mechanisms such as Windows
Forms. For example you can embed, in a possibly complex EiffelVision
application, an advanced Windows Form control such as a Datagrid providing
direct display of a database through ADO.NET. The figure below shows such a
Datagrid displayed as part of an EiffelVision window.
From the .NET side, Eiffel for .NET by default
makes the Base Class Library, Windows Forms and Web Forms directly available to
the Eiffel developer as if they were Eiffel classes. This means in particular
that the tools of the environment will display the interface properties in a
style consistent with Eiffel’s, and that the classes can be used directly,
without any need for special interface code.
makes it possible to build powerful applications that tightly combine the
benefits of these libraries with those Eiffel, as illustrated in the last
figure by the combination of EiffelVision, Windows Forms and ADO.NET.
The three .NET libraries mentioned are just
examples ─ the most commonly needed
ones ─ of non-Eiffel software that Eiffel for .NET makes
available to any Eiffel class. The general mechanism for making any set of .NET classes available in
this way is an ISE Eiffel tool called the Assembly Manager.
principle of the Assembly Manager is simple. You can call the Assembly Manager
from either EiffelStudio (the Eiffel-specific environment) or Visual Studio
.NET. You select the assembly to import; typically, it will include classes
originally written in a language other than Eiffel, although you don’t need to
know what that language is, and it could in fact be Eifffel. The Assembly
Manager lets you choose the assembly from those in the .NET Global Assembly Cache, which holds
“shared assemblies” made available to all applications on the machine; or you
may use Browse to find a private assembly.
Once you have made that selection, the Assembly Manager will generate a
set of XML files containing all the needed information about the classes of the
assembly; this is made possible by the metadata-based reflection mechanisms of
.NET. For global assemblies, the result is stored into an Eiffel Assembly Cache, including enough information to let Eiffel
classes access the assembly’s classes as if they were Eiffel classes, whether
from EiffelStudio (the Eiffel-specific environment) or from Visual Studio .NET.
of the tasks of the Assembly Manager is to remove overloading. For clarity,
simplicity and compatibility with object-oriented principles, Eiffel maintains
a one-to-one correspondence, within a class, between feature names and features
(for a rationale, see [Meyer
2001]). The .NET model,
however, permits overloading a name with several meanings. The Assembly Manager
removes any ambiguity by generating unique names for any overloaded feature
variant. The disambiguating algorithm will be presented below.
The preceding discussion has described the goals
which we set ourselves at the start of the project in 1999, and which have now
been achieved by the current implementation. We will now give the reader a view
of the internals, to explain how we reached these goals.
At the start of the project, ISE organized the
integration around three major milestones. The first step of the integration was
to obtain a first usable version while avoiding the most delicate language
aspects, especially multiple inheritance. This resulted in a language subset,
Eiffel#, whose implementation became available in beta form in mid-2000 and as
part of the first released version of Eiffel for .NET in July of 2001 (version
5.0). Eiffel# included support for Design by Contract and genericity and was sufficient to build real applications,
but of course it was not the real thing. It enabled us, however, to provide an
early product, gain in-depth experience with the implementation issues, and
obtain invaluable feedback from our customers.
The second step was the
implementation of full Eiffel, including multiple inheritance, agents and
covariance. This was part of version 5.1 (December 2001).
The final step is to
provide full Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET integration. This is part of the
latest release, 5.2, commercially available in May 2002.
Multiple inheritance was, as noted, recognized from the start as a key
implementation issue. The reader may indeed wonder how we can provide multiple
inheritance on a platform that doesn’t support it, especially with the
requirement stated above that other languages should see the Eiffel multiple inheritance structure.
The solution used relies on the ability for a .NET class to inherit multiply from interfaces ─ completely abstract classes, without any implementation at all. In the generated code, the compiler shadows every class with interface. The following figure shows the result for the structure illustrated above; note that the counterpart of an original Eiffel class A is a .NET class called IMPL.A, whereas the “shadow” interface retains the name of the class, A, since it’s what programmers in other languages will need to use:
Programmers using these
classes from another .NET language, such as C# or Visual Basic.NET, do not
need to know about the IMPL classes. They will declare the corresponding
variables using types A, B, C, D. To create objects of the corresponding types,
they will use a third set of generated classes: Create.A, Create.B and so on; this is
because interfaces, such as A, cannot have constructors (creation procedures in
Eiffel), so the CREATE classes provide the necessary mechanisms, one for each
creation procedure of the corresponding Eiffel class. By using namespaces Impl
and Create, this technique takes full advantage of .NET concepts.
.NET packages applications in an original way,
using assemblies and modules rather
than plain EXE or DLL files (executables or Dynamic Link Libraries). An assembly
is made of a group of modules and corresponds to an application. A module may
be either a DLL or an EXE. For that reason, the Eiffel compiler generates one
assembly whose name is the name of the system as given in the system
description file, or Ace (Assembly of Classes for Eiffel, written in a control
language called Lace). You may specify whether the assembly should be an EXE or
a DLL in the msil_generation_type default option as follows in the Ace file:
ROOT_CLASS: “make”
msil_generation (yes)
msil_generation_type (“exe”) -- “dll” to generate a DLL
In this example, the
compiler generates a single file “sample.exe” containing both the assembly and
the module
Another feature specific to .NET is the notion of
namespace. Any .NET type is associated with a namespace that ensures the
uniqueness of the type name in the system. You can define a default namespace
for all the classes of the Eiffel system by using the following default ACE
ROOT_CLASS: “make”
msil_generation (yes)
msil_generation_type (“exe”) -- “dll” to generate a DLL
namespace (“MyApp”)
In this example, all the classes of the Eiffel
system will be generated in the namespace “MyApp.<cluster_name>”
where <cluster_name> is the name of the cluster that contains the
class. You may override the default namespace for each cluster as follows:
ROOT_CLASS: “make”
msil_generation (yes)
msil_generation_type (“exe”) -- “dll” to generate a DLL
namespace (“MyApp”)
root_cluster: “c:\my_app”
namespace (“Root”)
With this ACE file, all the classes part of the
cluster root_cluster will be generated in the namespace “Root”. Note
that the name specified in the cluster clause is not appended to the namespace
defined in the default clause.
We have noted above that feature names from
non-Eiffel classes may require disambiguating if they have been overloaded.
The disambiguating
algorithm is the following, which we would welcome other implementers adopting
for no-overloading languages (so as to ensure commonality in the spirit of .NET
and the Common Language Specification).
Let f1, f2, ..., fn be overloaded .NET functions with the same name (n
>= 2)
For 1 <= i <= n, let Si be the signature of fi:
Si = [Ti1, Ti2, ..., Tim]
(im >= 0)
All the Si are different by the rules of overloading.
We say that a position u is unique for a function fi (for 1 <= u
<= im) if there is at least one other function fj (1 <= j <= n, j /=
i) such that u <= jm and Tju /= Tiu.
We determine a unique name Ni for fi as follows. Ni is of the form
N_Ti1_Ti2..._Tiu (0 <= u <= im) where [Ti1, Ti2, ... ,Tiu] is the
smallest initial subsequence of Si different from the corresponding subsequence
for all other functions. By the rules of overloading such a subsequence exists
and uniquely characterizes Si.
Informally, the algorithm appends as many signature
type names as needed after the name of the function to obtain a unique name. So
for example the following C# function:
public static
void WriteLine (String format, Object arg0);
public static
void WriteLine (int value);
public static void
WriteLine (String value);
is translated into Eiffel as follows:
Object (format: STRING; arg0: SYSTEM_OBJECT)
Int32 (value: INTEGER)
String (value: STRING)
By default the type names used by the algorithm do
not include the namespaces. In the rare
case of conflicts between type names in different name spaces, digits
are appended to remove any remaining ambiguity.
Note that this algorithm only applies to features
that are overloaded. Non-overloaded names will remain intact, except for
optional adaptation to different letter case conventions. (Eiffel style rules
prescribe clearly separating successive words in a feature name by underscores,
as in write_line; this differs from the “camelCase” convention usually applied
by C# and other .NET languages. Users can choose to retain the original names
or convert them to the familiar Eiffel convention.)
The Assembly Manager must also take care of
mapping CLS types into their Eiffel equivalents, to guarantee the correct
semantics. The following table shows the correspondence:
CLS Primitive Type (Description) |
Eiffel Type |
(2-byte unsigned integer) |
(1-byte unsigned integer) |
(2-byte signed integer) |
(4-byte signed integer) |
(8-byte signed integer) |
System.Single (4-byte floating point number) |
System.Double (8-byte floating point number) |
System.String (string, zero or more chars, null allowed) |
System.Object (root of all class inheritance hierarchies) |
System.Boolean (true or false) |
Eiffel has for a long time provided extensive
syntax for accessing mechanisms from other languages, in particular C, C++ and
Java. Not only can you call routines written in those languages; you can also
let them call back into an Eiffel system, through the Cecil library; and you can specify that an Eiffel routine is mapped
into a C macro, that you want to use a certain C++ constructor or destructor
for a particular class, that a C or C++ routine has a particular type signature
in its language of origin, that a pair of getter-setter routines directly
manipulate a certain field of a C struct,
and so on. This has enabled the use of Eiffel as a component combinatory, a tool widely open on the outside world and
letting system developers take advantage of Eiffel’s architectural mechanisms ─ classes, single and
multiple inheritance, genericity, Design by Contract, information hiding,
uniform access ─ to package components
which may come from different languages.
A few extensions have been
made to this “external” mechanism to account for the specific facilities of
.NET Function Kind |
Eiffel External |
Method |
“IL signature … use
Static Method |
“IL signature … static use class_name” |
Field Getter |
“IL signature … field use class_name” |
Static Field Getter |
“IL signature … static_field use
class_name” |
Field Setter |
“IL signature … set_field use
class_name” |
Static Field Setter |
“IL signature … set_static_field use class_name” |
Constructor |
“IL signature … creator use class_name” |
The external features can be called from clients
or descendants of the class the same way you would call any other Eiffel
feature. So if your system includes a feature that needs user input, it can
include the following code:
need_user_input is
-- Take user input and do stuff.
input: STRING
create io.make
input := io.ReadLine
-- calls System.Console.ReadLine()
-- do stuff
In this case, ReadLine is a static
external, so you do not need to instantiate io.
Instead you can use the syntax feature
{CLASS}.static_routine, applicable only to external classes:
-- Take user input and do stuff.
-- removed creation of io
-- do stuff
As part of the Eiffel.NET development,
we produced a new tool, the .NET Contract Wizard, which through the metadata
mechanism enables users, interactively, to add Eiffel-like contracts to .NET
components coming from arbitrary languages. This tool, which will be described
in detail in a separate paper, makes it possible to apply some of the benefits
of Design by Contract in languages other than Eiffel. This important extension
was made possible by the metadata facilities of .NET.
Eiffel for .NET provides the combination of the
two most exciting software technologies to have appeared in a decade. The
combined power of the platform and the development environment should yield the
dream environment for building the powerful Internet applications that society
expects from us today.
closeness of the integration enables developers to use the most advanced
features of both technologies. The flexibility of the toolset ─ supporting both EiffelStudio on .NET, for developers
coming from an Eiffel background, and Eiffel for Visual Studio .NET, for close
integration with other .NET languages and use of common tools for editing,
compiling, browsing, debugging ─ enables each company to adopt the development model that best fits its
needs and its culture.
Eiffel on .NET provides flexibility,
productivity, and high reliability. It is impossible in particular to
overestimate the benefits of Design by Contract in a distributed environment,
where looking for bugs after the fact can be an excruciating and money-wasting
level of reuse provided by the combination of Eiffel and .NET libraries
provides an immediate and exceptional competitive advantage, letting companies
leverage off quality reusable solutions resulting from thousands of
person-years of quality-focused effort, and concentrate on their own added
value to bring products to market quickly and successfully.
Together with the other
benefits of the Eiffel method — seamless development, generic programming,
information hiding and other software engineering principles, a powerful
inheritance mechanism — Eiffel on .NET provides a best-of-breed solution for
ambitious Internet software developers.
[ISE] Eiffel Web sites
at http://www.eiffel.com/
and http://www.dotnetexperts.com.
[Meyer 1992] Bertrand Meyer: Eiffel: The Language, Prentice
Hall, 1992.
[Meyer 1997] Bertrand Meyer: Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd
edition, Prentice Hall, 1997.
[Meyer 2001] Bertrand Meyer: Overloading vs. Object Technology, in Journal of Object-Oriented
Programming (JOOP), November 2001, also online at se.inf.ethz.ch/ publications/joop/overloading.pdf.
Raphael Simon is a senior engineer at Interactive Software
Engineering (
To contact the authors, use info@eiffel.com.